My Favorite Doylestown

I always look forward to giving my past-life regression workshops, but one coming up in Doylestown, PA on May 31 is very special.  What makes it special is that this is the first time in a few years I've done a workshop in Doylestown, and it's sponsored by my friend, Susan Duval. My history with Susan goes back to 2002 when she first invited me to do a workshop with her.  At the time, Susan was brave in starting what she hoped would be a continuing seminar series on topics of health and spirituality.  I was her second speaker.  At the time, my second book, Return From Heaven, had just been published and I was teaching around the U.S., Canada, and Europe, but had only done a few workshops in the Philadelphia area.  I was thrilled when Susan invited me to do a workshop in my own back yard (almost—Media, PA, is an hour away).

Over the next ten years I did many more events with Susan.  They were always special times, both because Susan is a joy to work with, and because of the wonderfully curious people she attracts to her events.

As in all my workshops, I do a group regression each time.  A group regressions is only a sample of the full experience of a private session.  Still, some people described having strong positive experiences that changed them—right then and there in the group regression.   I think the comfortable, healing environment that Susan creates for her workshops has something to do with the quality of the experience.

The group regression is the climax of the workshop.  Before that I explain the principles of regression therapy with adults, and tie it to my research of young children's spontaneous past life memories.   Some told me at the time how much my true stories of children’s memories meant to them—they validated what they were seeing in their own children or grandchildren, or what they had experienced when they were a child and never forgot.

I'm still in touch with many of the people I've met at Susan’s workshops over the years, and many have come for private sessions in my office in Media to continue their exploration.

Now I look forward to seeing new faces and making new friends.  It's always a treat for me to share what I've learned over the past twenty-five years about the connection between our past lives and our present life.  And it's a pleasure to be a part of one of Susan’s events again.

The workshop is Saturday, May 31st, 2014 from 10:00-12:30 at 1 Scout Way, Doylestown, PA 18901.  The cost of the workshop is $55. 

For more information and to register, contact Susan Duval at or by phone at: 215-348-5755